Thursday, May 22, 2008

Indy Watch

After 19 years of waiting, about 60 something blog posts and a clock counting down the days...May 22 finally arrived! As I took my floating holiday from work to see what was a great film, many would call me crazy and other would just call it stupid. However, there is something in Indiana Jones that I relate to...
It was Memorial Day weekend. A young five year old grasped his Aunt Joanne’s hand tight as she approached the ticket counter at the local movie theater. The five year old herd his Aunt say “Can I have two tickets for Indiana Jones please.” For the child, this was the most exhilarating experience of his life, since it was the first time he has ever set foot in a movie theater. They proceeded into the poorly lit theater, took their seats, and his Aunt began to explain that there is no talking during the movie. As the lights dimmed, the flicker of the Utah Mountain range took on the screen. From that moment on, that five year olds life was changed forever. The combination of seeing images on the big screen and the ambiance of the theater and hearing the audience’s reaction to what a young Indiana was doing, would captivate and motivate the child. That little boy would walk out of that theater and knew from that day on, he wanted to work in the Motion Picture Industry and nothing would get in his way. It was 1989 and the film was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
The boy is me, I have grown up (a little), and found today to be worth the wait. I must say Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is the perfect fix for a true Indy fan. In fact, I saw a review from (SPOILER FREE), and they summed it up perfect. Check it out, because everything I want to say about the film, they already did....