Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Road to the Oscars 09

With this Sunday's telecast of the Oscars just around the corner, I am really excited. It is just a great time to honor a year in art, performance, film and above all else creativity. This year, unlike years past, has been the closest race of any Oscar's I can think of. After viewing all the films nominated, and others from the year, here are my picks for the 10 Best Films of 2008 as well as my picks in the top 10 categories. The Hugh Jackman hosted Academy Awards will be this Sunday at 7 on ABC.

10 BEST FILMS OF 2008:

1- Slumdog Millionaire
2- Miracle At Saint Anna
3- The Dark Knight
4- The Wrestler
5- Frost / Nixon
7- In Bruges
8-Revolutionary Road
9-The Duchess

My Oscar Picks for 10 Catergories:
Best Picture-
Slumdog Millionaire

Best Actor-
Mickey Rourke (Though this really could go to Sean Penn or Frank Langella)

Best Actress-
Kate Winslet (Though this could go to Meryl Streep)

Best Supporting Actor-
Heath Ledger

Best Supporting Actress-
Penelope Cruz

Best Director-
Danny Boyle

Best Screenplay (Original)-
Milk (Though this really should go to In Bruges, unfortunatly it wont win)

Best Screenplay (Adapted)-
Slumdog Millionaire

Best Cinematography-
Slumdog Millionaire

Best Original Song-
BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN! Ok, I know he was not nominated, but honestly he had the best original song from any film this year. Being serious, the winner should be...
AR Rahman for "Jai Ho" from Slumdog Millionaire

So those are just a taste of my picks, we have to wait till Sunday to see who takes home what!