Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Beastie Boys' Mike D Still Helping Hurricane Sandy Victims

 Beastie Boy Mike D has been helping the people of The Rockaways in Queens, New York, since they were slammed and devastated in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Nearly six months after the hurricane turned the beach town into a war zone, Mike D and friend / restaurant owner, Rob McKinley, have been operating a free food truck called, Rockaway Plate Lunch. The truck has given out 19,000 meals since the storm. McKinley told Good, "We saw right away all these people living without any power, without any businesses being open and therefore, no food. We saw the immediate need for warm food, but we didn't have time to put together a long-term cohesive plan; we just had to react quickly. Rob comes from the hotel and restaurant business, and with myself, being involved in a couple of restaurants and just knowing all the friends in that world, we were able to draw on a bunch of these contacts and start bringing food out from restaurants in the city." Watch a video of the duo in action.