Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Zack De La Rocha's Poem for Occupy Wall Street

The reclusive front man for Rage Against the Machine and One Day as a Lion, Zack De La Rocha, has released a poem in support of the Occupy Wall Street and Occupy movements taking place around the globe. In a press statement, Zack says: “This poem is dedicated to the Occupy movement whose courage is changing the world. Stay Strong. We are winning.” 

The beginning spills through city veins Into the arteries And under powers poison clouds
We move like the shadows
Through the alley ways
Through nightmares bought and sold as dreams
Through barren factories
Through boarded schools
Through rotting fields
Through the burning doors of the past
Through imaginations exploding
To break the curfews in our minds
Our actions awaken dreams of actions multiplied
A restless fury
Once buried like burning embers
Left alone to smolder
But together stacked under the walls of a dying order
All sparks are counted
Calloused hands raised in silence
Over the bonfire of hope unincorporated
It's flame restores tomorrows meaning
Across the graveyards of hollow promises
As gold dipped vultures pick at what is left of our denial
And the youngest among us
Stare at us stoned like eyes determined
And say
Death for us may come early
Cause dignity has no price
At the corner of now and nowhere
Anywhere Everywhere Tomorrow is calling
Tomorrow is calling
 Do not be afraid